creative research gallery and drawing center
a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization


Radio Interviews


WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2013

Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's 10th season and dramatic new expansion.November 24, 2013.
(listen here)

WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2013

Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Tyler Wilkinson, Manifest's first Artist in Residence, radio discussion about his year at Manifest. March 2013.
(listen here)

WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2012

Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's 8th season and Botanical exhibition. April 2012.
(listen here)

WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2010

Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Tim Parsley, Assistant Director of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's BURB exhibit. January 2010.
(listen here)

WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2008

Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's 5th season. September 2008.
(listen here)

WAIF 88.3 FM - Speak of Diable Talk Show - State of the Arts 2005

Jason Franz, executive director of Manifest, joined by Manifest exhibitors Kevin T. Kelly and Robert Spahr (via phone from NYC) for a live radio discussion about Manifest's season 2 headliner exhibits. 2:00 - 3:30am. September 28, 2005. (cut us some slack, it was in the middle of the night!)
(listen here)

WAIF 88.3 - Arteries Talk Show 2005

Guest hosted by Jane Durrell, regional arts critic, and Dennis Kiel, associate curator of prints, drawings and photographs at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, joined Lily Mulberry of Gallery 1305 (Main Street) for a one hour live radio discussion about the two galleries. Noon - 1:00 pm. June 11, 2005.
(listen here)


Manifest is supported by sustainability funding from the Ohio Arts Council, and through the generous direct contributions of hundreds of individual supporters and private foundations who care deeply about Manifest's mission for the visual arts.

gallery hours:

tues-fri 12-7pm, sat noon-5pm
closed on sun-mon

view calendar

Contribute to our Annual Fund



gallery map
2727 woodburn avenue
cincinnati, ohio 45206

drawing center map (m1)
3464 Central Parkway
cincinnati, ohio 45223



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