Radio Interviews
WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2013
Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's 10th season and dramatic new expansion.November 24, 2013.
(listen here)
WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2013
Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Tyler Wilkinson, Manifest's first Artist in Residence, radio discussion about his year at Manifest. March 2013.
(listen here)
WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2012
Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's 8th season and Botanical exhibition. April 2012.
(listen here)
WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2010
Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Tim Parsley, Assistant Director of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's BURB exhibit. January 2010.
(listen here)
WVXU 91.7 - Around Cincinnati 2008
Guest hosted by Jane Durrell. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, radio discussion about Manifest's 5th season. September 2008.
(listen here)
WAIF 88.3 FM - Speak of Diable Talk Show - State of the Arts 2005
Jason Franz, executive director of Manifest, joined by Manifest exhibitors Kevin T. Kelly and Robert Spahr (via phone from NYC) for a live radio discussion about Manifest's season 2 headliner exhibits. 2:00 - 3:30am. September 28, 2005. (cut us some slack, it was in the middle of the night!)
(listen here)
WAIF 88.3 - Arteries Talk Show 2005
Guest hosted by Jane Durrell, regional arts critic, and Dennis Kiel, associate curator of prints, drawings and photographs at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Jason Franz, co-founder of Manifest, joined Lily Mulberry of Gallery 1305 (Main Street) for a one hour live radio discussion about the two galleries. Noon - 1:00 pm. June 11, 2005.
(listen here)