creative research gallery and drawing center
a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization



A FotoFocus Participating Venue Workshop

Pick It Up, Turn It Over: Exploring the Power of the Physical Photograph

Instructed by Peiter Griga

Saturdays, 1:30-4:30pm

August 3 - September 21, 2024

Registration Deadline: July 27, 2024*
(*Registration will close once the course is full.)

[ ** COURSE IS FULL *** ]

Description: This summer, Manifest Drawing Center's Community Darkroom will host a FREE 8-week course called Pick It Up, Turn It Over: Exploring the Power of the Physical Photograph. In partnership with FotoFocus and as part of the 2024 Biennial, “Backstories”, the course will delve into how our definitions of photography shape its potential as a powerful form of communication. Experimentation will include investigations into various image-recording strategies, presentation substrates, and exhibition methods, with the goal of growing our collective understanding of photography and the photograph as object.

The class will cover the following topics:

• Designing productive experiments in the camera and darkroom

• Understanding various photographic substrates - from traditional RC papers to non-traditional surfaces coated in photo-sensitive emulsions

• Exploring the tangible attributes of the printed photo - investigating the impacts of manual engagement on imagination and memory

• Scrutinizing environmental impacts on photographic works - how space, time, and other factors of context influence an image

• Testing the relationships between images and text

• Exhibiting images in novel, constructive ways - sequencing, lighting, mounts, use of context

• Developing and articulating a personal photographic aspiration

Altogether, the work that participants will create in this class will build a sense of connection to the medium, a conviction about its capacity, and the courage to push photography beyond a timid benchmark.

Tuition: FREE!
Course is tuition-free for the limited seats available thanks to the generous sponsorship of FotoFocus.

Class Size: Maximum of 12 participants

Materials List: Manifest Drawing Center will provide all materials required.

Level of Study: This class is suggested for individuals with black-and-white film AND darkroom printing experience. Basic knowledge of analog cameras is expected.

Andrew Houston

LOCATION: Unless otherwise specified, all courses are hosted at Manifest's new facility at 'M1' in Clifton at 3464 Central Parkway (see map and directions below). Manifest's new facility provides multiple studio classrooms, private lesson space, a darkroom, a film processing room, and a multi-purpose lecture and class meeting space as well as on-site parking, grounds, and exterior spaces in which to relax, discuss, and make art. The studios are outfitted with professional equipment, furniture, and study aids.


Map to Manifest's M1 Studios   |   Studio Calendar   |   Darkroom Calendar







About the instructor:

Peiter Griga is a Cincinnati-based artist and a National Board Certified Teacher who teaches high school photography. Griga earned his BFA from The University of Cincinnati College of DAAP in 2003. For the past 20 years he has worked for The Associated Press and freelance clients ranging from small design/branding firms to extreme sports companies and larger contemporary indie fashion clients. 

Griga completed a Master of Art Education from DAAP in 2007 and since has written numerous articles regarding Visual Culture, Semiotics, Photographic Instruction, and image-based media. It was during this time Griga began working on a series titled, ICANNOTREMEMBERALLTHATIHAVEFORGOTTEN, a complex body of work that explores how we remember and how we forget. ICRATIHF is comprised of photographs created with honey emulsion, performance, sculpture, installation, and video pieces.

Outside of Ohio, Griga has exhibited in Seattle, Santa Fe, Green Bay, Detroit as well as San Francisco. He has traveled to Syria, Lebanon, and Cyprus photographing archeological excavations for The Kourion Museum.
In 2009 he displayed a video installation within the atrium of The Contemporary Art Center and received national attention for his 2013 commission of 8bit QR Code Portraits made from honey emulsion for the DISRUPT-R exhibition at the Artisan Center of Kentucky.

Griga earned his MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and became an Adobe Certified Instructor in 2016. Most recently, he exhibited at Root Division in San Francisco shortly before releasing a monograph in 2017 for his series, LIMINALLYYOURS.

Griga resides on an eastern hillside of Cincinnati overlooking the Ohio River with his partner in crime, Meredith as well as their 2 dogs, Diego & Bowie.




 Josephine S. Russell
Charitable Trust

Manifest is supported by sustainability funding from the Ohio Arts Council, and through the generous direct contributions of individual supporters and private foundations who care deeply about Manifest's mission for the visual arts.

gallery hours:

tues-fri 12-7pm, sat noon-5pm
closed on sun-mon

view calendar

Contribute to our Annual Fund



gallery map
2727 woodburn avenue
cincinnati, ohio 45206

drawing center map (m1)
3464 Central Parkway
cincinnati, ohio 45223



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